Trusted by 250 leading companies in over 1,500 locations around the world. Explore their stories
Everything connected
Ever been in an ops meeting where no one can trust the numbers?
By connecting your tech stack into a single platform with one reporting language, everyone is on the same page.
All in one
Everything in a single platform.
One interface
One interface (versus manually cross-referencing many platforms).
One feed
A single feed where everything is aggregated.
Simple reporting
A single reporting language versus having to learn many across different platforms.
Relevant information
Information that is relevant to individual roles / functions.
Supercharging performance
Concerned about wasted food or inefficient labour deployment?
Tenzo supercharges performance to make life that little bit easier. With Tenzo’s powerful reporting, understand where inefficiencies are occurring at the tap of a button.
Make data-backed decisions for your business.
Reduce gut
Move away from relying on gut instinct and past performance.rn
Tracking against KPIs, targets and metrics in real-time. rn
Act on your data
Wish you could act on your data in real-time?
Why wait till next week to implement insights found in your data, when Tenzo sends you alerts on your performance trackers. Act now